Well FearOne might be resting this month, but were also staying ahead of the curve for 2015 SEMA. I decided to email GM & Ford today to convey our project intentions for 2015 SEMA show and surprising both companies got back to us today, and on a late Friday afternoon. In my email I mention magazine covers Fearone is guarantee for next SEMA and I'm sure that had allot to do with the quick replies back. Still does not mean Fearone will be awarded a vehicle, but hopefully with our proposals done this month, and magazine cover spots, we can secure a vehicle early in the process. Plus the fact Fearone also plans on a project with H.M.A. next year as well. One vehicle is allot of work, but I know with all the help Fearone has with our sponsors if we were awarded two vehicles, all would be done to another Fearone SEMA build expectation.